Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Crazy Cat Lady!

Yay i have a nice title today :) As you know I'm doing the Inspired By A Time Period Challenge by Llama Nails and this weeks era is Ancient Egypt. 

What? did anyone think I'm going to get straight to polish without a little jibber-jabber first? Hell to the No! 
It is kinda polish related though, i was super clueless as to what to do for this challenge. I googled and that made it worse then i looked at my stamps and i saw a cat although with a flower on her tail and i thought oh this is Egyptian and well of course it is so i took what i had and ran with it! *not literally*.

So i started with Avon Simply Pretty Glitter Gold and did two coats, now my camera decided to act funny so i took pictures in different places and that causes my fingers to look different, however I do not use colour correct because I'm too poor to afford one! *rather too lazy to look it up*.

It is kinda frosty and needs two coats to not show streaks but its a nice colour that i would've never thought of wearing alone then inspired by google i added blue stripes to my nails using Colorbar Blue Topaz which is super runny, hence not ideal for striping but i make do cause I'm hard-working like that. 
After i did my pinkie i started stiping my ring finger  i wanted that to be the accent with the cat so a quick change in plan and i had two cats :) which i loved btw which makes me wait for it... the Crazy Cat Lady! 

the stamp had a few delicate details and i had to struggle to get it on camera but i did succeed after a bazillion photos were taken! 
Now remember i do not have a striping tool and I was too lazy to cut such fine tape strips so do not cringe at the lines :)

I love it! do you?  i made it better too you know by adding Fairy Dust aka Glitter Polish! 

 look at my cats! :)

ooo shiny!

Isn't this awesome? I actually like what i did which is what this is about anyway! Oh and Happy Holi to all me Indian lovelies out there! :) I'll elaborate on Saturday i have a post planned :)

Here's the picture for the Girly Girl Challenge, it's not what the challenge creator has suggested this is one i found off the net. 

See you soon,

Don't forget to go see what all the other lovely ladies did! :)

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

I hate Tuesdays!

I hate this one! why? cause i had to go back to work and i missed being at home so much :( also by 4 i was so drowsy because i didn't have nap time *shame i know* 
well I'm home now and also i gotta post today's Crumpet's Nail Tarts Tri Polish Challenge  they're doing the annual team shuffle also know as make you hate work even more! they change the people we work with so we get to know everyone! I really liked this team! I hate change i know its inevitable but there's always that feeling of i know this is good-bye even though we're acting like its not...people change i know but why do we loose touch with friends we couldn't think about parting ways with at one point? 

I wanna know what you think....

On to my mani which also is pretty darned normal, the Avon polishes are pretty runny so it was difficult to think of what to do with them! Here's what i did anyway, first my colours!

  Avon Electic Green, Midnight Plum and Coral Beat.

Then i used two coats Midnight Plum as my base and added Coral Beat as a contrasting French Tip.

as you can see under this kinda lighting its still sheer

 the weird marks are from the glue on the tape! sorry!

 my thumb! its not half unpolished its just weird

then i added my VOV glitter cause i didn't like this all that much! do you think glitter fixed it? i have mixed feelings about that! 


thats the glitter bottle!

I have to add that the glitter polish is just awesome! It is thick and gloopy but you kinda have to dab and see if you notice my index finer it has a surprise star or two in it! plus the circles and hexes are so versatile they looked orange on this mani but when i tried it on another one it looked more nude! cool? i think so :) 
I think i also found the pick-me-up I've been looking for.. om nom nom glitter!!

Thank god you'll aren't gonna change

Have a look at the other awesome Mani's for the challenge:-

Saturday, 23 March 2013

I'm a girly girl!

Yes I am! A friend once asked me if I'd ever gotten into a fight with another girl, I looked at him wondering where he was going with this.. because well us girls we fight you know, he then continued "You know the kinda fight where you pulled her hair or hit her" I looked at him horrified, and he laughed apparently that was expected because he thought i was too girly to actually hit anyone. I stood corrected *kinda* after i punched him in the stomach for saying something so stupid!  Okay maybe the punch didn't hurt but you know i can't really deny the fact that I am girly I love pink and glitter and unicorns that poop butterflies *kidding* 

Is anyone wondering what my point is yet? I'm announcing a new challenge :) Along with Moore and its called the Girly Girl Nail Art Challenge. It's all her brilliant idea and she came across it and thought it would be fun to do and agree! We'll be starting from next Friday i.e. 29th March and continue posting every Friday so March 29th, April 5th, April 12th, April 19th, April 26th, May 3rd, May 10th and May 17th.

Here are the themes :

Girly Girl Nail Art Challenge
1. Think Pink
Wear your favourite pink nail polish and nail art.
2. Gimme That Bling
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, so put some sparkle on those nails!

3. Delicate and Elegant
Adorn yourself with a lovely pattern, colour or technique
4. Inspired by the Runway
What is your favourite trend this season? Show us your stylish nail designs!
5. Gotta Love Chick Flicks
We can’t resist! Wear a nail design inspired by your favourite chick flick.
6. Who Inspires You?
Show some love to your favourite female role model by creating gorgeous nails in their honor.
7. Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice
That’s what little girls are made of! Show off your sweet (or spicy) inspired nails.
8. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
It’s true, we do! Let your nail designs show us how fun-loving you are!
Originally created by Neverland Nail Blog

I'm super excited and i would love it if you'll do the challenge with us. 

Now I do have a mani to show as well or I'd feel like the kid who came to school empty- handed on Show and Tell day!  

I started with VOV Got A Pretty In Thailand (woot two posts in one week using the same mani! yes i think I'm in love). I wanted something nice and bright to cheer me up cuz i had to go to the hospital to get my stitches checked and see if the histopath reports were back. 


Then i added this VOV Glequin which has Pink hexes and silver fairy dust! aka glitter :) I added two coats and pardon my camera because it does not do this baby justice at all.

 is it just me or is my little finger too little?

 this one is most glitter accurate

this one is most colour accurate

My sister bought me this one after i gave her instructions on the phone about where the counter for glitter polish is. The perks of surgery are few but oh so good!! Also this has a super slow dry time but nothing top coat can't take care of.  

My new comment widget quit on me in my last post here's hoping it stays okay in this one :) and do the challenge! 

Loads of Love,

Thursday, 21 March 2013

The Tri Polish Challenge - Day 2 Water Marbling

It's day two of Crumpet's Nail Tarts Tri Polish Challenge the basic rules are you have to use the same three colours for four mani's per month and use of  white black gold silver glitter is allowed. 

The colours I've chosen are Avon Electric Green Avon Midnight Plum and Avon Coral Beat .

This week i decided to go with a water marble. It really was my second attempt and I don't think it's too bad. I started off with a White Base Coat a poor no named VOV polish.

Its used just one coat it does look like it could do with two though right? I figured the water marble would cover that. Now its not necessary to use all three colours in all the mani's but i still used all three for my marble. And now for the result.... *Drum Roll Please* 

It isn't the best i know but i love it especially the thumb. I don't think its too bad for my second attempt really also I know there's air bubbles but that's probably because i was in a hurry and didn't do it right! Then i went picture happy and even found new backgrounds for you'll cause I'm sure those blue tiles aren't a very entertaining lot. Ha ha. 

 my little finger is well little?

i even found the sun! in the kitchen..but small details

So there's my attempt at day two of the challenge and water marbling do you'll like it?

Oh and also i added a new comment interface through IntenseDebate thanks Fingers for helping me. I added it cause i wanted you'll to be able to chose to be notified if i reply to your comment *which i always do*. I only added it cause i know i love going back to check if the people I follow have replied.
  Loads of  Love,

Have a look at the other awesome Mani's for the challenge:-

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A Rolling Stone

Why i push myself to come up with weird titles for my posts is beyond me, I did decide I want this blog to be for me as long as I'm happy all should be good. I guess what I'm getting at is i know my photographs aren't the best, I just wanna say sorry and you'll will have to bear with me till i buy a camera i use my mobile to click pictures and it doesn't even have flash. Its only 3 megapixel and not the best focus I'm cribbing because i saw all these other beautiful pictures in the Inlinkz to the challenges I'm doing and mine aren't that great. 

Okay, now that I've totally made this a sob story I'm going to move on to my post which is the second era for the Inspired By a Time Period Challenge by Llama Nails.The time period is Stone Age!! 

So I started off with VOV Got a Pretty in Thailand which i absolutely love. I couldn't think of a better name for it if i tried its like an elephant grey and is a one coater.

 pardon my cuticles and everything around them~

i couldn't resist sneaking another one in

Then i sponged Avon Grey Cement from the matte range and VOV Blackberry which is basically a thick black polish i use to stamp. I used a regular sponge which i got as packaging when i ordered some Image Plates *economical i know* and just randomly dabbed. The end result looked like stone, which shows i took the challenge quite literally. Here is the end result! 

Quite messy!

 look a messy thumb

I cleaned up! and then figured I'd add a Matte top coat instead of my trusty Colorlife. So out came Essie Matte About You which i treasure like its liquid gold. And i loved the effect. 

i even managed to tidy my fingers up a bit

Ta-da!! I love it do you?? Let me know and if any of you have tips on how to make my 3 MP Camera work other than standing under light I'd appreciate it. 

Loads of  love,

Don't forget to go see what all the other lovely ladies did! :)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Tri Polish Challenge - Day 1

Hello! I'm back!! I guess everyone was expecting this except me, even my doctor when she gave me the do-i-need-to-call-the-psych-ward-for-you look when i asked her how many people make it alive out of  lumpectomy-s *true story*.

So I've taken up another challenge and this one will definitely push my meagre skills to try newer things.

It is Crumpet's Nail Tarts Tri Polish Challenge each month Crumpet's Nail Tarts will set 3 colours for the challenge.  You then choose 1 polish to represent each of those 3 colours. You must stick to those same 3 polishes throughout the entire challenge. The colours for this month are Coral Purple and Green. Welcome to my hell. Anywhoo here's the colours i chose 

Avon Electric Green, Midnight Plum and Coral Beat

That is also the only Coral i own, close call eh? Now you can use blacks whites and glitters so that's what made me decide to do it. You've got to do only four mani's a month and i couldn't think of more than two. Hopefully i won't fall flat on my face and come up with half decent ones. One of the mani's should have all three colours too so i decided to get that done first! I started with two coats of Avon Midnight Plum.

and then i decided to go with stripes. Now i don't have a striping tool so i just used the paint brush i had at home which is kinda thick but you gotta do what you gotta do! I used Avon Electric Green first.

stick around it gets better

then i used Avon Coral Beat and striped over the extra fat-ass green hee hee.

a leeetle better,no?

Then i used glitter cause Crumpet said i could and i absolutely needed it!


And i was happy with it for someone who can't draw for peanuts i think i did quite well!! As i was so happy i also went Photo Craa-aazyy. I won't subject you'll to all here are two! 

say hi to me! oh this is without the glitter FYI

  oi  fingers is this big enough :P

And that's day one of a challenge that we're gonna do until we're bored. Different colours every month :) Hope you'll like it too.

Lots of Love,

Have a look at the other awesome Mani's for the challenge:-