Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Crazy Cat Lady!

Yay i have a nice title today :) As you know I'm doing the Inspired By A Time Period Challenge by Llama Nails and this weeks era is Ancient Egypt. 

What? did anyone think I'm going to get straight to polish without a little jibber-jabber first? Hell to the No! 
It is kinda polish related though, i was super clueless as to what to do for this challenge. I googled and that made it worse then i looked at my stamps and i saw a cat although with a flower on her tail and i thought oh this is Egyptian and well of course it is so i took what i had and ran with it! *not literally*.

So i started with Avon Simply Pretty Glitter Gold and did two coats, now my camera decided to act funny so i took pictures in different places and that causes my fingers to look different, however I do not use colour correct because I'm too poor to afford one! *rather too lazy to look it up*.

It is kinda frosty and needs two coats to not show streaks but its a nice colour that i would've never thought of wearing alone then inspired by google i added blue stripes to my nails using Colorbar Blue Topaz which is super runny, hence not ideal for striping but i make do cause I'm hard-working like that. 
After i did my pinkie i started stiping my ring finger  i wanted that to be the accent with the cat so a quick change in plan and i had two cats :) which i loved btw which makes me wait for it... the Crazy Cat Lady! 

the stamp had a few delicate details and i had to struggle to get it on camera but i did succeed after a bazillion photos were taken! 
Now remember i do not have a striping tool and I was too lazy to cut such fine tape strips so do not cringe at the lines :)

I love it! do you?  i made it better too you know by adding Fairy Dust aka Glitter Polish! 

 look at my cats! :)

ooo shiny!

Isn't this awesome? I actually like what i did which is what this is about anyway! Oh and Happy Holi to all me Indian lovelies out there! :) I'll elaborate on Saturday i have a post planned :)

Here's the picture for the Girly Girl Challenge, it's not what the challenge creator has suggested this is one i found off the net. 

See you soon,

Don't forget to go see what all the other lovely ladies did! :)